HOME General Balance Vitamin D

Sunlight Vitamin for Busy Modern People

General Balance Vitamin D

General Balance Vitamin D Product Features



Use of vitamin D3, which is well absorbed by the body

Vitamin D3 has a higher bioavailability and absorption rate among other vitamin D.



Contains 500% (2000 IU) of daily nutritional content

Designed with a full content of 2,000 IU per tablet.



Using 120 year tradition DSM raw materials

Using premium Swiss ingredients from DSM, a global nutrition company.




Magnesium stearate, HPMC, synthetic fragrance, coloring agent free

General balance vitamin D

Essential nutrients for busy modern people
who have low outdoor activities!

Necessary for bone formation and maintenance

Required for absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus

Helps reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis

Vitamin D is an important nutrient that helps absorb calcium, forms bones, and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

It is a special vitamin that is biosynthetic in the skin when it receives sunlight, also called as “sunshine vitamin.”


Vitamin D synthesized through sunlight, is this enough?


In Korea, it is difficult to synthesize enough vitamin D, except during the summer, due to the four distinct seasons. People who have few outdoor activities and have more indoor activities, they may not be able to synthesize vitamin D through sunlight sufficiently.


Is it possible to consume it by eating food?


Oily fish is a good source of vitamin D, and eggs, butter and cod liver oil also contain vitamin D, but you need to take a considerable amount to fill your intake.

Vitamin D dietary supplements are recommended if necessary!



Make sure you use vitamin D3!

Vitamin D3, which is well absorbed by the body





in body utilization

Vitamin D2

Vitamin D that can be obtained
through food intake

Relatively low
body absorption rate

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D biosynthesized
by sunlight

Relatively high
body absorption rate

Health functional foods generally use D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol), which have good activity, and among these two, vitamin D3 has a higher activity and absorption rate.
This product includes vitamen D3 only considering the absorption rate.



Contains 500% of daily nutritional content

General Balance Vitamin D 2000 IU
500% of the daily nutritional value of adults

  • General balance
    vitamin D

    50 μg (2000 IU)

  • Vitamin D
    Daily Nutrient Reference Value

    10 μg
    (400 IU)

  • (Based on an intake of 1 tablet per day)

  • *What is IU?
    It is the abbreviation for the‘International Unit’ which is an international unit designated internationally to unify the dose standards of vitamins and others.

The upper limit of vitamin D is 4,000 IU. If you have low outdoor activities and lack vitamin D due to sunscreen, you need to intake more!

*The following image is an image of source food to help consumers understanding.



Using DSM's Swiss vitamin D raw materials

Founded in 1902, DSM is a global nutrition company with a 120-year tradition specializing in solutions for nutrition and life sciences, and currently operating in about 200 cities in about 50 countries.

Premium Vitamin D Raw Material Check Point

˙ 120-year-old nutrition specialist company's Vitamin D raw material from Switzerland
˙ Vitamin D raw materials obtained through strict quality control

Recommended for!

  • Those with low calcium absorption
    (Those who want to increase calcium absorption)

  • Those who have few opportunities to do outdoor activities due to work or study

  • Menopause woman with weak bone density and bone weakness

  • Those who are looking for a health functional food with a single vitamin D functional ingredient

  • Those who have the potential to block vitamin D absorption with sunscreen, etc

Health information

* This information is health information to help consumers understanding,
and is not a product-related information.

90% of Koreans lack vitamin D

  • Adult man
    91.3 %

  • Adult woman
    95.9 %

Current status of vitamin D deficiency in Koreans by the National Health Statistics of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2017.
* Source: Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Changes in the number of patients with vitamin D
deficiency by year

Number of patients per year (number of patients)

















Source: Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service 2021-2016



General Balance, a healthy habit to maintain a balanced lifestyle.

General Balance is committed to the health of people around the world. We have researched and developed a line of dietary supplements that contain the necessary nutrients that help to support overall health.


B – Corp Certified Company
What is B Corp Certification?

‘B-Corp’, which means Benefit-Corporation, is a global certification system for social enterprises, created by B Lab (US nonprofit organization) in 2007, to provide solutions for social and environmental problems through business and to expand the number of companies that have a positive impact on society

Best Family Friendly Management Certification
What is Best Family Friendly Management Certification?

Corporations that are exemplary in their compliance of the Best Family Friendly Management Standards are evaluated and certified. Best Family Friendly Management Corporations support the national economy (South Korea) by focusing on their marketability, distribution to create a stable working environment for their employees. Through family friendly management they are also able to foster a better quality of life for employees and encourage a family friendly management culture in corporations across various industries

Dietary Supplement Certification Health Functional Food Certification
What are Health Functional Foods?

Health Functional Foods approved by the South Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) are supplements that help to support and maintain health and are not drugs that treat or prevent disease.

GMP Certified!
What is GMP Certification?

GMP certification ensures the basic standards of safety and effectivity of foods, supplements and drugs. As a basic standard that guarantees the safety and effectivity of the quality, manufacturing standards, and management standards, of foods, supplements and drugs, it specifies various requirements that are to be met in overall quality control, from the receipt of raw ingredients by the facilities to the distribution of the final product.

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